count on

[kaʊnt ɒn]
  • 释义
  • 依赖; 依靠;期望; 指望;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    You can count on him for a truthful report of the accident.


  • 2、

    Mind, I count on your keeping the promise.

    听着, 我指望你信守诺言.

  • 3、

    The family can count on you to use your influence against a divorce?

    她全家都拜托你了你会劝她打消此意 吧 ?

  • 4、

    You can count on me ( my ) doing my best.


  • 5、

    That's great , really great! Thanks very much. Can I really count on it?

    实在太好了! 非常感谢. 这真的可靠 吗 ?

  • 6、

    You can count on me because I always deliver goods.


  • 7、

    They decided not to count on foreign aid to relieve the famine.


  • 8、

    Bryan isn't the type to go off at half cock. You can count on him.

    布莱恩不是那种冒失的人, 你可以相信他.

  • 9、

    You count on us to give you full support.


  • 10、

    Don't count on other people to help you out of trouble.


  • 11、

    We can't count on him telling the truth.


  • 12、

    If they really count on the Taiwanese people, they must not misjudge the situation.

    如果他们真的仰赖台湾的人们, 他们不能判断错误情形.

  • 13、

    He is at the end of his resources , too. Don't count on him for help.

    他也束手无策, 别指望他帮助啦.

  • 14、

    They did not count on making their loan payments by means of refinancing.


  • 15、

    If you set no count on workers, you set no count on your parents.

    如果你瞧不起工人, 你就看不起你的父母.

  • 16、

    You can count on me to help in case of difficulty.


  • 17、

    When planning for retirement, dont count on money you arent guaranteed to have.

    在做退休计划的时候, 不要依赖那些你并不确定能拿到的钱.

  • 18、

    Yeah. You can count on it.

    当然, 你等着瞧吧.

  • 19、

    You had better not count on an increase in your salary this year.


  • 20、

    We can count on the weather being fine.


  • 21、

    If there's anything I can do, count on me.

    如果有我能做的事, 找我好了.

  • 22、

    Don't count on Lillian.


  • 23、

    As long as the operative word is "greed", you can't count on people keeping the costs down.


  • 24、

    He learned right off the bat that you can't count on anything in this business.


  • 25、

    I can always count on you to cheer me up.


  • 26、

    I'll be back. You can count on it.


  • 27、

    The government thought it could count on the support of the trades unions.


  • 28、

    I didn't count on his capsizing the raft.


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